Dimitrios Zevgolis, Associate Professor

Dimitrios Zevgolis

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Hellenic Open University

Tsamadou 29 & Riga Fereou

GR 262 22 Patras, Greece

+30 2610 367 471

+30 2610 367 478


Educational Background

Professional Occupation

Teaching Activities

Research Interests

Institution Membership

List of Publications

Before 1990 1990-1999 2000 up to now Conferences Books

Before 1990


2000 up to now

  1. J. Pfaff, M. Stock, D. Zevgolis, W. Demtröder; 14th Int. Conf. of the German Assoc. of Physicists. Munich 1978, Verh.DPG 4[1978]513. "Das Übergangsmoment im DX System von NaK".

  2. D. Zevgolis, W. Demtröder; 15th Int. Conf. of the German Assoc. of Physicists. W.Berlin 1979, Verh.DPG 2[1979]558. "Messung von inelastischen Querschnitten fϋr AtomDimere Stöβen in AlkaliDämpfen".

  3. W. Demtröder, D. Eisel, M. Raab, D. Zevgolis; Invited paper presented at the XIVth European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy, Frankurt 1979, Modern Trends, vol.8, Elselvier scientific publ.Co. 1980. "Sub Doppler Laser Spectroscopy of small molecules". Βλέπε Δημοσίευση Τ1/4.

  4. J. Helmcke, D. Zevgolis, B.U. Yen; 18th Int. Conf. of the German Assoc.of Physicists. Wϋrzburg 1982, Verh.DPG 4[1982]467. "Höchstauflösende optische Ramsey Resonanzen mit laufenden Wellen im CaAtomstrahl".

  5. J. Helmcke, J.J. Snyder, D. Zevgolis; 19th Int. Conf. of the German Assoc. Physicists. Regensburg 1983, Verh.DPG 3[1983]459. "Gessättigte Absorption der longitudinal Anregung im Atomstrahl".

  6. J. Helmcke, J.J. Snyder, D. Zevgolis; 3rd Symp. Frequency Standards & Metrology. Aussois. 1981. J. de Physique c8[1981]. "Optical Ramsey fringes in a Cabeam". Δεν υπάρχει αντίγραφο πρακτικών.

  7. J. Helmcke, J.J. Snyder, D. Zevgolis; Conf. on Precision Electr. Measurements (CPEM'82). Colorado. 1982. "High resolution of optical Ramsey Resonance by means of four travelling waves in a Cabeam". Δεν υπάρχει αντίγραφο πρακτικών.

  8. J. Helmcke, J.J. Snyder, D. Zevgolis; 12th Int. Quantum Electronics Conference. Munich 1982. "Observation of high contrast, ultranarrow optical Ramsey fringes in saturated absorption utilising four interaction zones of travelling waves". Βλέπε δημοσίευση Τ1/5.

  9. C. Fotakis, D. Zevgolis, P. Papagiannakopoulos, T. Efthimiopoulos; 3rd Int. Conf. on Multiphoton Processes. Heraklion Crete. 1984. "Multiphoton Excitation of CS2 with a narrowband KrF laser".

  10. D. Zevgolis; Workshop on laser spectroscopy. Tutzing 1984. "Laser studies in reaction Kinetics". Δεν υπάρχει αντίγραφο πρακτικών.

  11. D. Zevgolis, W. Demtröder; 21nd Int. Conf. of the German Assoc. Physicists. Bayreuth 1985, Verh.DPG 4[1985]854. "Stoβprozeβe im elektr. Grundzustand des Na2 Moleküls".

  12. D. Zevgolis; 2nd Int. Conf. Trends in Quantum Electronics. Bucharest. 1985. "Collision induced processes of Na2 molecules in excited states and in groundstate".

  13. D. Zevgolis; Annual Meeting of Greek experts on laser Physics. Colymbari Chania. 1985. "Spectroscopic studies of an optically pumped dimer laser".

  14. T. Efthimiopoulos, D. Zevgolis; Annual Meeting of Greek experts on laser Physics. Colymbari Chania. 1985. "Generation of coherent tunable VUV Radiation".

  15. D. Zevgolis, P. Papagiannakopoulos; 2nd Int. Conf. of the German Assoc. Physicists. Heidelberg 1986, Verh.DPG 4[1986]666. "Untersuchung der Photodissociation des HgBr2 durch KrF Laser Multiphoton Anregung".

  16. D. Zevgolis, P. Papagiannakopoulos; 9th Int. Symposium on Gas Kinetics. Bordeaux. 1986. "HgBr(BX) Fluorescence Emission induced by KrF laser". Δεν υπάρχει αντίγραφο πρακτικών.

  17. D. Zevgolis, P. Papagiannakopoulos; Annual Meeting of Greek experts on laser Physics. Patras. 1986. "Spectroscopic studies of HgBr2".

  18. P. Papagiannakopoulos, D. Zevgolis D. Zevgolis, P. Papagiannakopoulos; Annual Meeting of Greek experts on laser Physics. Patras. 1986. "KrF induced Decomposition of Nitrocompounds".

  19. D. Zevgolis, P. Papagiannakopoulos, J. Lazarou; 23rd Int. Conf. of the German Assoc. Physicists. Göttingen 1987, Verh.DPG 4[1987]558. "KrFLaser Zweiphotonenanregung und Dissoziation von HgBr2".

  20. Ch. Christou, Ch. Bacharidis, D. Zevgolis, T. Efthimiopoulos; Annual Meeting of Greek experts on laser Physics. Ioannina. 1987. "Remote Detection of laser induced Fluorescence".

  21. D. Zevgolis, P. Papagiannakopoulos; 3rd Int. Conf. Trends in Quantum Electronics. Bucharest. 1987. "Studies of HgBr fluorescence emission induced by KrF excitation".

  22. A. Weis, J. Hoffnagle, N. Schlumpf, VL. Telegdi, D. Zevgolis, L. Zhao; 11th Int. Conf. on Atomic Physics. Paris. 1988. "Saturationdependent Polarisation Correlations in an M1E1 twoPhoton transition".

  23. A. Weis, J. Hoffnagle, N. Schlumpf, VL. Telegdi, D. Zevgolis, L. Zhao; 9th Int. Conf. on laser spectroscopy. Bretton Woods NH. 1989. "Towards a fieldfree measurements of parity violation in atomic cesium". Βλέπε δημοσίευση Τ1/14.

  24. D. Zevgolis, P. Razis; Annual Meeting of Greek experts on laser Physics, Athens. 1989. "An Experiment for Measuring Parity Violation in Atomic Cesium".

  25. A. Weis, N. Schlumpf, VL. Telegdi, D. Zevgolis, L. Zhao; 26th Int. Conf. of the German Assoc. Physicists. Munich 1990, Verh.DPG 4[1990]. "Suche nach der Paritätsverletzung in Cäsium Atomen".

  26. D. Zevgolis; Annual Meeting of Greek experts on laser Physics. Heraklion Crete. 1990. "The first results in a fieldfree parity violation experiment".

  27. S. Kotsopoulos, D Lymberopoulos, D Zevgolis; European Conference "DSPThe Enabling Technology for Communications. Amsterdam. 1993. "Integration of a new Teleworking Mobile Radio Communication Service for Medical Applications".

  28. S. Kotsopoulos, H. Kambezidis, D. Zevgolis; IEE 9th Int. Conf. on Antennas and Propagation. Eindhoven Netherlands. 1994. "Application of Efficient RF Modelling to Wireless Dispatch Systems".

  29. D. Zevgolis, S. Kotsopoulos, H. Druxes; 30th Int. Conf. of the German Assoc. Physicists. Duisburg 1994, Verh.DPG 1[1994]40. "A Multimediabased Electronic Dictionary".

  30. S. Kotsopoulos, D. Zevgolis, D. Lymberopoulos, V. Zoupas, G. Anastassopoulos; International Conf. on Applications of Photonic Technology, Sensing & Communications. ICAPT 94, Ontario Canada. 2123 June 1994."A Prototype User Interface for Medical Multimedia Application in ComputerAided Optical Endoscopy".

  31. D. Lymberopoulos, S. Kotsopoulos, J. Garantziotis, G. Kokkinakis, D. Zevgolis; Int. Conf. on Applications of Photonic Technology, Sensing & Communications. ICAPT 94. Ontario Canada. 2123 June 1994. "Image Processing on Compressed Medical Data in Optical Communications Networks".

  32. S. Kotsopoulos, D. Zevgolis, K. Pantazopoulos, D. Lymberopoulos, V. Zoupas; World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering. Rio de Janeiro Brazil. 2126 August 1994. "Intergration of a new hybrid PACS using microcellular Radio Communication Technology in the 40GHz Region".

  33. S. Kotsopoulos, D. Zevgolis; SPIE'95 Int. Conf. on Beam Control, Diagnostics, Standards and Propagation. San Jose CA. 1995. "Investigation of the Factors Affecting the Sensitivity Threshold Level of Laser Receiving Systems".

  34. S. Kotsopoulos, J. Katsenos, D. Zevgolis, G. Apostolopoulos, G. Afratis; Technical Chamber of Greece, Athens, 23 24 March, 1995. "On the technical evolution of the Cellular Mobile Radio Telephony and the caused effects due to the propagation at 900 MHz". Δεν υπάρχει αντίγραφο πρακτικών.

  35. S. Kotsopoulos, H. Kambezidis, D. Zevgolis; IEE 5th Int. Conf. on Telecommunications. Brighton UK. 1995. "Implemantation of a new Teleworking Communication Platform to support services on AgroBiotechnological Applications".

  36. D. Zevgolis, S.Kotsopoulos, D. Karaboulas; 5th Int. Conference on Advances in Communication and Control COMCON 5. ChaniaCrete, Greece, 2630 June 1995. "A new multimediabased electronic dictionary of technical automobile terminology for use in an organized distributed private enterprise's telecommunication network".

  37. J. Georgiou, S. Kotsopoulos, D. Zevgolis; 2nd Conf. on Sound, Image and multimedia, University of Patras. Dec.1995. "Development and Implementation of an electronic multimedia dictionary of technical terms". Δεν υπάρχει αντίγραφο πρακτικών.

  38. J. Katsenos, D. Zevgolis, D. Zigos, T. Efthimiopoulos; 31st Int. Conf. of the German Assoc. Physicists. Jena 1996, Verh.DPG 3[1996]. "Gaussian beam propogation software for a lens system".

  39. D. Zigos, T. Efthimiopoulos, J. Katsenos, D. Zevgolis; 31st Int. Conf. of the German Assoc. Physicists. Rostock 1996, Verh.DPG 1[1996]620. "Laser action from (BX)HgBr induced by UV laser Multiphoton Dissociation of HgBr2".

  40. S. Kotsopoulos, H. Kambezidis, D. Zevgolis, D. Karaboulas, A. Doukas; 5th Int. Conf. Atmospheric Sciences and Applications to Air Quality. Seattle Washington. 1996. "On the Implemantation of a New Technological Teleworking Communication Platform, to study, Investigate and Control the Parameters Affecting the Agricultural and Atmospheric Pollution during LargeScale Pesticide Spraying Procedures in Agricultural Fields of Open Air Cultivations".

  41. D. Karaboulas, A. Doukas, S. Kotsopoulos, D. Zevgolis; Conference on Circuits, Systems and Computers, Hellenic Naval Academy. Athens. 1517 July 1996. "TELEWORK LABNET: The new era in Distant Training. An Application to the Technical Education".

  42. J. Katsenos, D. Karaboulas, A. Doukas, S. Kotsopoulos, D. Zevgolis; Int. Workshop on Mobile Communications. Thessaloniki. 1920 September 1996. "On the experimental testing of the single mode laser diode at 840nm for implementing low cost microcellular optical tranceivers".

  43. T. Efthimiopoulos, H. Kambezidis, S. Kotsopoulos, D. Zevgolis; Workshop on Lidar Technology. Glyfada Athens. 25 September 1996. "On the creation of a mobile RemoteSensing Station for the atmospheric pollutants in Athens". Δεν υπάρχει αντίγραφο πρακτικών.

  44. PM Gogou, D. Karaboulas, A. Doukas, L. Panagiotopoulos, N. Gioldasis, S. Kotsopoulos, D. Zevgolis, H. Kambezidis; 8th Hellenic Conf. in Plant Pathology, HPP Society. Crete. October 1996. "On the organization of large scale agricultural experiments: Soil and microclimate data collection and processing using the tele information’s specilized services and tools".

  45. D. Zevgolis, H. Kambezidis, S. Kotsopoulos, T. Efthimiopoulos, G Economou, A. Adamopoulos, PM Gogou, A. Doukas, D. Karaboulas, J. Katsenos; Workshop on Environment, Development and Civilization, University of Patras. November 1996. "The contribution of a Mobile RemoteSensing Station on the Management of the Air Quality".

  46. D. Zevgolis, H. Kambezidis, S. Kotsopoulos, T. Efthimiopoulos, G Economou, A. Adamopoulos, PM Gogou, A. Doukas, D. Karaboulas, J. Katsenos; Workshop on Environment, Development and Civilization, University of Patras. November 1996. Implementation of a Mobile RemoteSensing Station of Air Pollutants using the LIDAR Technique".

  47. A. Doukas, T. Efthimiopoulos, PM Gogou, H. Kambezidis, D. Karaboulas, S. Kotsopoulos, D. Zevgolis; 32nd Int. Conf. of the German Assoc. Physicists. Munich 1997. Verh. DPG 4[1997]522. "On the Technical Specifications of an AdvancedTechnology Laser Aided Air Quality Measuring DAS System".

  48. J. Katsenos, A. Doukas, D. Karaboulas, S. Kotsopoulos, D. Zevgolis; 2nd Int. GreekItalian Conf. on New Laser Technologies and Applications. Anc. Olympia. June 1997. "Study of construction of a Littrow external Semiconductor Laser Cavity operating at 840nm region for use in microcellular mobile radio telephony".

  49. A. Doukas, G. Economou, T. Efthimiopoulos, PM Gogou, H. Kambezidis, D. Karaboulas, J. Katsenos, C. Kosmidis, S. Kotsopoulos, D. Zevgolis; 2nd Int. Greek Italian Conf. on New Laser Technologies and Applications. Anc. Olympia. June 1997. "The Greek Differential Absorption LIDAR".

  50. D. Karaboulas, A. Doukas, J. Katsenos, S. Kotsopoulos, G. Karagiannidis, K. Pantazopoulos, D. Zevgolis,A. Zygouris; 2nd Int. GreekItalian Conf. on New Laser Technologies and Applications. Anc. Olympia. June 1997. "The need of using fiber optics lines in order to support advanced teleworking services".

  51. D. Zigos, T. Efthimiopoulos, D. Zevgolis, J. Katsenos; 2nd Int. GreekItalian Conf. on New Laser Technologies and Applications. Anc. Olympia. June 1997. "A Study of the laser action from (ΒΣ)HgBr induced by UV laser Multiphoton Dissociation of HgBr2. Measurements and experimental results".

  52. J. Katsenos, S. Kotsopoulos, D. Zevgolis; Int. Conf. of PhD Students, University of Miskolc. Hungary. August 1997. "On the specifications of the UMTS system: maximalization of the radio coverage service area using cost effective optical transceivers based on the appropriate hybrid network requirements".

  53. A. Doukas, T. Efthimiopoulos, PM Gogou, H. Kambezidis, D. Karaboulas, S. Kotsopoulos, D. Zevgolis; Int. Conf. of PhD Students, University of Miskolc. Hungary. August 1997. "Specifications and Requirements of a new LIDAR System suitable for the optimum air pollution management. An application to the Athens Geographical Area".

  54. H. Kambezidis, A. Adamopoulos, T Muneer, D. Zevgolis; Solar World Congree of ISES. Taejon Korea. August 1997. "Validation of a new allsky solar spectral radiation".

  55. H. Kambezidis, D. Zevgolis, S. Kotsopoulos, T. Efthimiopoulos; 9th Int. Symposium on Environmental Pollution and its Impact on life in the Mediterranean Region, MESAEP S. Angello di Sorento Italy. October 1997. "Environmental managment with the use of the advancedtechnologyLIDAR technique in Athens".

  56. J. Katsenos, D. Karaboulas, A. Doukas, A. Tsioublekos, C. Papadimitropoulos, S. Kotsopoulos, D. Zevgolis; 33rd. Int. Conf. of the German Assoc. Physicists. Konstanz 1998, Verh. DPG 2[1998]203. "Design Parameters and Measurements of a Littrow grating LDCavity for use in advanced optical Telecommunication Systems".

  57. HD Kambezidis, AD Adamopoulos, NK Sakellariou, FB Topalis, D Zevgolis et al.; 9th Int. Symposium on "Environmental Pollution and its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean Region", S. Agnello di Sorento, Italy, 49 October 1997. "Atmospheric chemistry and climate changes monitoring by a simple passive system".

  58. S.Kotsopoulos, D.Zevgolis, G.Karagiannidis, D.Karaboulas, A.Doukas; Int. Conf. on Naval Technology for the 21st Century. June 2930, 1998. "HDECTELNET: A new Proposed Wide Area Hybrid DECentrilized TELecommunication NETworking Platform for the Upgration of the ShiptoShore Multiservicing Activities".

  59. AD Adamopoulos, H Kambezidis, D Zevgolis, FB Topalis, V. Djepa; EuroSun98. Portoroz Slovenia. 1417 September 1998. Proc. EuroSun98 2nd ISES Europe Solar Congress, Götzberger A. & Krainer A (Eds), pp.I.1.1. 17, The Franklin Company Consultans Ltd. "Aerosol optical thickness through modified Langleyplots in the atmosphere of Athens".

  60. AD Adamopoulos, H Kambezidis, D Zevgolis, FB Topalis, V. Djepa; EuroSun98. Portoroz Slovenia, 1417 September 1998. Proc. EuroSun98 2nd ISES Europe Solar Congress, Götzberger A. & Krainer A (Eds), pp.I.1.2. 17, The Franklin Company Consultans Ltd. "Variability of optical thickness in the atmosphere of Athens".

  61. AD Adamopoulos, H Kambezidis, D Zevgolis, FB Topalis, V Djepa; Proc 4th Hellenic Conf. on MeteorologyClimatologyAtmospheric Physics, Vol1 (1998) 313. Athens 2225 September 1998. Proc. Vol.2,pp.313318. "The impact of Ethesian winds on atmospheric optical spectral properties during cloudless summer days in Athens".

  62. H Kambezidis, AD Adamopoulos, V. Djepa, D Zevgolis, FB Topalis; 7th Int. Conf. ENVIROSOFT98 on Development and applications of computer techniques to enviromental studies. Las Vegas, USA 1012 November 1998. "A radiative model based on multispectral direct solar radiation measurements".

  63. AD Adamopoulos, G Economou, T Efthimiopoulos, H Kambezidis, S Kotsopoulos, D Zevgolis. Int. Symposium on Industrial Lasers & Inspection and ENVIROSENSE. Munich, 1418 June 1999. "Use of LIDAR Technique in the Air Quality Management of an Urban Area".

  64. D. Zevgolis; Workshop for new Products and Applications in the Region of WS Greece, Development Enterprise of Achaia Prefecture (NEA), Patras. November 1999. "Advanced Technologies for Enviromental studies".

  65. H. Kambezidis, AD. Adamopoulos, D. Zevgolis; ISES1999, Solar World Congress, 49 July, Jerusalem, Israel. [1999] "A comparison of spectral total atmospheric transmission between summer and winter in Athens, Greece".

  66. L Letsas, G Economou, D Zevgolis. 14th Int. Conf. on Optical Fiber Sensors. Venice 1113 October 2000. "Analysis of a Differential Fiber Bragg Grating SelfDemodulation Technique".

  67. AD Adamopoulos, H Kambezidis, D Zevgolis, FB Topalis; 1st Hellenic Conf. on New Technoligies. Athens 1112 December 2000. "Μελέτη της Μεταβολής της Ατμοσφαιρικής Θόλωσης από Φασματικές Μετρήσεις Ηλιακής Ακτινοβολίας".

  68. S Louvros, S Kotsopoulos, G Economou, D Zevgolis; 36. Int. Conf. of the German Assoc. Physicists. Bremen 2001, Verh. DPG 2[2001]203. "Examination of Optical Response of LED in Applied Electrical Signals".

  69. AD Adamopoulos, H Kambezidis, D Zevgolis; 1st HellenicTurkish Int. Physics Conference, BodrumKos Sept. 1015, 2001. "Total Atmospheric Transmittance Monitoring from Ground Based Spectral Measurements of Beam Irraniance".

  70. S Louvros, S Kotsopoulos, G Economou, D Zevgolis; 1st HellenicTurkish International Physics Conference, BodrumKos July 2001. "An Examination of Multiple Access Technique for LED Communications Using Source Coding Schem ".

  71. L Letsas, G Economou, D Zevgolis; 1st HellenicTurkish International Physics Conference, BodrumKos Sept. 1015, 2001. "A Simple Fiber Bragg Grating Demodulation Technique for Dynamic Strain Signals".

  72. KF Klein, S Doris, D Zevgolis, H Poisel, O Ziemann, M Loch; POF 2001 International Conference, Amsterdam Sept. 2731, 2001. "Attenuation Measurements on Graded Index POF". Postdeadline paper.

  73. AD Adamopoulos, HD Kambezidis, D Zevgolis; 11th Int. Conf. “Env. Pollution and its impact on life in the Mediterranean region”, 610 October 2001, Limassol, Cyprus. "Case studies of the atmospheric turbidity in Athens, Greece: comparison between summer and winter".

  74. AD Adamopoulos, HD Kambezidis, D Zevgolis; 11th Int. Conf. “Env. Pollution and its impact on life in the Mediterranean region”, 610 October 2001, Limassol, Cyprus. "Case studies of the total NO2 column in the atmosphere of Athens, Greece: comparison between summer and winter".

  75. D Anestopoulos, V Giannetas, P Persefonis, D Zevgolis; 37. Int. Conf. of the German Assoc. Physicists. Leipzig 2002, Verh. DPG 4[2002]52. "Electrooptic characterization of DR1 doped PMMA films by use of waveguide sample geometry".

  76. S. Louvros, S.Kotsopoulos, G.Economou, D.Zevgolis, I.Panoutsopoulos, K.Ioannou; Int. Conf. On Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, 15-17th July 2002, Staffordshire. "On the Qualitative Calculation of LED's Optical Bandwidth".

  77. S. Louvros, S.Kotsopoulos, G.Economou, A. Iossifidis; 3rd Greek-Italian Intern. Conf. “New Laser Technologies and Applications”, Patras, 58 September 2002. "A study of LED’s Response in Optical Telecommunication Networks using Plastic Optical Fibers (POF) and DPWM Access Technique".

  78. S. Doris, KF. Klein, H. Poisel, D. Zevgolis, O. Zieman; 3rd GreekItalian Intern. Conf. “New Laser Technologies and Applications”, Patras, 58 September 2002. "POF Attenuation Measurements with Selective Excitation".

  79. D. Anestopoulos, V. Giannetas, P. Persefonis, G. Tsigaridas, D. Zevgolis; 3rd GreekItalian Intern. Conf. “New Laser Technologies and Applications”, Patras, 58 September 2002. "Study of Electrooptic Effects in Organic Chromophores by use of a Wavefuide Geometry".

  80. HD Kambezidis, G Giavis, D Zevgolis; 3rd Greek-Italian Intern. Conf. “New Laser Technologies and Applications”, Patras, 58 September 2002. "Laser beam absorption by atmospheric gases in the IR spectrum".

  81. AD Adamopoulos, HD Kambezidis, D Zevgolis, G Giavis; 6th Hellenic Conference in Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics. Ioannina, 25 –28 Sept 2002. "Μελέτη του μεγέθους των αερολυμάτων από φασματικές μετρήσεις ηλιακής ακτινοβολίας".

  82. D. Zevgolis, S. Kotsopoulos, H. Kambezidis; 38. Int. Conf. of the German Assoc. Physicists. Augsburg 2003, Verh. DPG [2003]. "On the Impementation of a New Multimedia Service for 3G Wireless Communication Networks".

  83. AD Adamopoulos, HD Kambezidis, D Zevgolis, G Giavis; 1st Int. Conf. Of Experts on Measurements and Modelling of Solar Radiation: Challenges for the 21st Century. Εdinbourgh, 15-16 September 2003. "A case study of particle size in the atmosphere of Athens, Greece, retrieved from solar spectral measurements".

  84. D. Zevgolis, S. Kotsopoulos; 8th Workshop of Multimedia in Physics Teaching & Learning (MPTL8), Prague 1416 September 2003. "Implementation of a New Authoring Tool to provide Distance Educational Courses over 2.5G Wireless Telecommunication Platform".

  85. D. Zevgolis; 2nd Panhellenic Conference on Modern Technology –Trends in Medicine, Patras 2227 June September 2004. "Advanced Laser Technology on the Management of the Air Pollution".

  86. D. Zevgolis, S. Kotsopoulos; 9th Workshop of Multimedia in Physics Teaching & Learning (MPTL9), Graz 911 September 2004. "Satellite Services to support e-learning Activities".


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